Adult Ministries

Find your place to belong! Check out our classes, events and groups for adults.

Ongoing Bible Studies

Tuesday Bible Study

The Tuesday afternoon Bible Study meets at 12:30pm, is led by Karen Wells and meets in the Education Building. They typically use a book study by author such as Rick Warren, Andy Stanley and others.

Wednesday Night Women's Bible Study

The Wednesday Night Bible Study meets at 6:30pm as part of our Wednesday Night Live. The group is led by Shirley Hitt and meets in the Education Building. The group varies between Christian author studies, and going through specific books of the Bible. Once per semester they join the Church Wide study led by Pastor Russell Martin.

Wednesday Night Men's Bible Study

A new men's video-based Bible study will be happening as part of our weekly Wednesday Night Live programming. We will begin Wedensday April 6 and run 4 weeks through April 27. The study will be led by Doug Spitz and will meet in the education wing. (Click here for details)

Short Term Classes and Studies


If you are the mom of a school-aged child, we would love for you to join our Mom's Bible Study Group this summer, June 13 through July 25, to discuss Church of the Small Things by Melanie Shankle.

This group will meet Tuesdays from 9-10:30 a.m. and childcare will be provided.

Text Emily Majors at 713-816-1834 to sign up, get your materials and secure your space for childcare.

Methodist Men

The Methodist Men's group is in the business of awakening, inspiring, challenging, supporting, and training men as they become Christlike in their daily lives. Our highest priority is to build and promote the spiritual growth of men.

The Methodist Men at Lake Houston United Methodist Church is a hard-working and God-loving group that has accomplished much in our church and the community.

Our involvement includes the following:

  • Vince Ransleben Memorial Golf Tournament in the early spring, with all proceeds going towards scholarships for graduating seniors who are Lake Houston United Methodist Church members.
  • BBQ for Crosby livestock show and rodeo.
  • BBQ for LHMC fall festival and garage sale
  • Participate in giving food to needy families for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Christian Women

This group of women study and fellowship together as they help with the needs of the church and community. They meet for brunch meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. For more information, contact Ann Williams.

College Ministry

Connect Groups

Connect groups are a great way to get involved and meet others. These groups are centered around activities or interests such as dinner groups, volleyball, book studies, outdoor activities, crafts and more.